Happy kids. Happy parents. Both found here.

Meet Our Team

Enjoy our storybook below to read to/with your child before their appointment. It serves to familiarize them with the office, staff, and describes what will happen at the visit. We've found that it has put little nerves at ease when kids know what to expect and recognize faces when coming to the office.

We hope you enjoy and are looking forward to seeing you and making you and your little one SMILE!


Frenectomy Forms

Below are forms we will need filled out prior to your consult for lip or tongue tie releases.

Infant Tongue Tie Questionnaire

Child Tongue Tie Questionnaire


Financial and Insurance Information

We want to be sure your child receives the quality care he or she needs to have a healthy smile and offer several payment options to help meet your needs.

Smile Pediatric Dental Care is an In-Network provider with most major PPO insurance plans and will happily file your claims for you. Prior to any service or procedure, we’ll provide an estimate as to the expected out-of-pocket expenses. However, any costs your insurance does not cover are your responsibility.

If you are without dental coverage, ask about our in-office Membership Plan for significant savings on cleanings and treatment.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding insurance or payments.